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Golden Path收购保荐人押金191,667美元延长合并交易截止日期

2022-06-22 22:19

10:16 AM EDT, 06/22/2022 (MT Newswires) -- Golden Path Acquisition (GPCO) said Wednesday its sponsor Greenland Asset Management has deposited $191,667 to the company's trust account to extend the time it has to complete a business combination by one month, to July 24.

美国东部时间2022年6月22日上午10:16-周三,Golden Path Acquisition(GPCO)表示,其赞助商绿地资产管理公司(Greenland Asset Management)已将191,667美元存入该公司的信托账户,将完成业务合并的时间延长一个月,至7月24日。

According to the company, the sponsor plans to extend the deadline by an additional eight times, as necessary, by depositing $191,667 per month or a total of about $1.5 million.


Price: 10.12, Change: +0.02, Percent Change: +0.16

