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Pagaya Technologies完成与EJF收购的合并

2022-06-23 00:37

12:34 PM EDT, 06/22/2022 (MT Newswires) -- Pagaya Technologies (PGY) said Wednesday it has completed its business combination with EJF Acquisition (EJFA), a special purpose acquisition company.

美国东部时间2022年6月22日下午12:34(MT Newswres)--Pagaya Technologies(PGY)周三表示,它已经完成了与特殊目的收购公司EJF Acquisition(EJFA)的业务合并。

The combined company is Pagaya Technologies Ltd. and its shares are expected to begin trading on the Nasdaq stock market on Thursday under the ticker symbol "PGY."

合并后的公司是Pagaya Technologies Ltd.,其股票预计将于周四在纳斯达克市场开始交易,股票代码是“PGY”。

"We believe being a public company better positions us to continue becoming the trusted A.I. partner for the banking ecosystem, helping to expand the availability of life-changing financial products to more people," said Pagaya CEO Gal Krubiner.

Pagaya首席执行官Gal Krubiner表示:“我们相信,作为一家上市公司,我们将更好地帮助我们继续成为银行生态系统值得信赖的人工智能合作伙伴,帮助更多的人获得改变生活的金融产品。”

Shares of EJF Acquisition were up 3.6% in Wednesday midday trading.

