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2022-07-06 20:50

Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund (NYSE:IVH – Get Rating) declared a monthly dividend on Tuesday, July 5th, Wall Street Journal reports. Stockholders of record on Friday, July 15th will be paid a dividend of 0.073 per share on Friday, July 29th. This represents a $0.88 dividend on an annualized basis and a dividend yield of 8.54%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, July 14th. This is a positive change from Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund's previous monthly dividend of $0.07.

常春藤基金-特拉华州常春藤高收入机会基金据《华尔街日报》报道,纽约证券交易所股票代码:IVH-GET Rating于7月5日(星期二)宣布每月派息。7月15日(星期五)登记在册的股东将于7月29日(星期五)获得每股0.073欧元的股息。这意味着年化股息为0.88美元,股息收益率为8.54%。本次股息除息日期为7月14日(星期四)。这与常春藤基金-特拉华州常春藤高收入机会基金之前每月0.07美元的股息相比是一个积极的变化。

Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund has decreased its dividend payment by an average of 11.2% annually over the last three years.


Ivy Funds - Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund

Shares of IVH stock opened at $10.26 on Wednesday. The stock's fifty day moving average price is $10.95 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $12.30. Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund has a fifty-two week low of $10.13 and a fifty-two week high of $14.34.


A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently made changes to their positions in IVH. Advisors Asset Management Inc. raised its position in shares of Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund by 12.9% in the 1st quarter. Advisors Asset Management Inc. now owns 460,985 shares of the company's stock worth $5,841,000 after acquiring an additional 52,556 shares in the last quarter. Rivernorth Capital Management LLC boosted its stake in Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund by 67.6% during the 1st quarter. Rivernorth Capital Management LLC now owns 62,960 shares of the company's stock valued at $798,000 after purchasing an additional 25,387 shares during the last quarter. UBS Group AG boosted its stake in shares of Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund by 2.0% in the 1st quarter. UBS Group AG now owns 52,430 shares of the company's stock worth $665,000 after buying an additional 1,005 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Envestnet Asset Management Inc. purchased a new position in shares of Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund in the 1st quarter worth approximately $346,000.
一些机构投资者和对冲基金最近改变了他们在IVH的头寸。Advisors Asset Management Inc.在第一季度将其在常春藤基金-特拉华州常春藤高收入机会基金的股票头寸增加了12.9%。Advisors Asset Management Inc.目前持有该公司460,985股股票,价值5,841,000美元,此前该公司在上个季度增持了52,556股。RiverNorth Capital Management LLC在第一季度将其在常春藤基金-特拉华州常春藤高收入机会基金的持股增加了67.6%。RiverNorth Capital Management LLC现在拥有62,960股该公司的股票,价值79.8万美元,在上个季度又购买了25,387股。瑞银集团在第一季度增持了常春藤基金-特拉华州常春藤高收入机会基金的股份2.0%。瑞银集团(UBS Group AG)目前持有52,430股该公司股票,价值66.5万美元,上一季度又购买了1,005股。最后,Envestnet Asset Management Inc.在第一季度购买了常春藤基金-特拉华州常春藤高收入机会基金的新头寸,价值约346,000美元。

Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund Company Profile (Get Rating)


Ivy Funds – Delaware Ivy High Income Opportunities Fund is a closed ended fixed income mutual fund launched and managed by Ivy Investment Management Company. The fund invests in fixed income markets across the globe. It seeks to invest in securities of companies operating across diversified sectors. The fund primarily invests in high-yield corporate bonds of various maturities, secured loans, and other corporate fixed-income instruments, which are rated below investment grade (below Baa3 by Moody's or below BBB- by either S&P or Fitch).


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