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Orchestra BioMed,Health Science收購公司合併;合併后的公司將在納斯達克上市

2022-07-05 21:34

09:33 AM EDT, 07/05/2022 (MT Newswires) -- Orchestra BioMed and Health Sciences Acquisitions Corp. 2 (HSAQ) said Tuesday they have entered into a merger agreement.

美國東部時間2022年05月07日上午09:33(MT Newwires)--Orchestra BioMed和Health Science Acquirements Corp.2(HSAQ)周二表示,他們已經達成合並協議。

The shares of the combined company -- Orchestra BioMed Holdings -- will be listed on Nasdaq under the ticker "OBIO."


The companies said the deal will provide a minimum of $70 million in gross proceeds to the combined company at closing and up to $160 million if there are no redemptions by Health Sciences shareholders. The combined company is expected to have a pro forma market cap of $407 million assuming no redemptions.

兩家公司表示,這筆交易完成后,將為合併后的公司提供至少7000萬美元的毛收入,如果Health Science的股東沒有贖回,毛收入將高達1.6億美元。假設沒有贖回,合併后的公司預計預計市值將達到4.07億美元。

Orchestra BioMed also said it has closed a $110 million Series D financing and that the combined company is expected to get a minimum of $180 million in gross proceeds from the merger and financing. The combined company is expected to have enough capital to fund operations into 2026.

Orchestra BioMed還表示,它已經完成了1.1億美元的D系列融資,合併后的公司預計將從合併和融資中獲得至少1.8億美元的毛收入。合併后的公司預計將有足夠的資本為2026年的運營提供資金。

The merger is expected to close in Q4 of 2022.


Price: 9.99, Change: +0.01, Percent Change: +0.1

