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2022-07-06 03:31

Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust (NYSE:PMO – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant decline in short interest in the month of June. As of June 15th, there was short interest totalling 102,300 shares, a decline of 26.8% from the May 31st total of 139,700 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 135,900 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 0.8 days.


PMO traded up $0.03 on Tuesday, reaching $11.65. 600 shares of the company traded hands, compared to its average volume of 124,892. The stock's 50 day moving average price is $11.06 and its 200-day moving average price is $12.00. Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust has a 52-week low of $10.44 and a 52-week high of $15.00.

PMO周二上漲0.03美元,達到11.65美元。該公司有600股易手,而其平均成交量為124,892股。該股的50日移動均線價格為11.06美元,200日移動均線價格為12.00美元。Putnam City Opportunities Trust的52周低點為10.44美元,52周高位為15.00美元。

Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust

The firm also recently announced a monthly dividend, which will be paid on Monday, August 1st. Shareholders of record on Friday, July 22nd will be paid a $0.0531 dividend. This represents a $0.64 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 5.47%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, July 21st.


Institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of the company. Tcwp LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust in the first quarter worth $40,000. Steph & Co. bought a new stake in Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust during the 4th quarter worth about $50,000. Herold Advisors Inc. bought a new stake in Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust during the 1st quarter worth about $68,000. Client 1ST Advisory Group LLC bought a new stake in Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust during the 4th quarter worth about $144,000. Finally, RFG Advisory LLC bought a new stake in Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust during the 4th quarter worth about $161,000. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 18.44% of the company's stock.
機構投資者最近調整了對該公司的持股。Tcwp LLC在第一季度收購了Putnam City Opportunities Trust價值4萬美元的新股份。Steph&Co.在第四季度購買了Putnam City Opportunities Trust的新股份,價值約5萬美元。Herold Advisors Inc.在第一季度購買了Putnam City Opportunities Trust的新股份,價值約6.8萬美元。客户第一諮詢集團有限責任公司在第四季度購買了Putnam City Opportunities Trust的新股份,價值約14.4萬美元。最后,RFG Consulting LLC在第四季度購買了Putnam City Opportunities Trust的新股份,價值約16.1萬美元。機構投資者和對衝基金持有該公司18.44%的股票。

Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust Company Profile (Get Rating)


Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust is a closed ended fixed income mutual fund launched and managed by Putnam Investment Management, LLC. The fund is co-managed by Putnam Investments Limited. It invests in fixed income markets of United States. The fund invests in companies operating across healthcare, utilities, transportation, water and sewer, and housing sectors.

普特南市政機會信託基金是由普特南投資管理公司發起和管理的封閉式固定收益共同基金。該基金由Putnam Investments Limited共同管理。它投資於美國的固定收益市場。該基金投資於醫療保健、公用事業、交通運輸、供水和下水道以及住房行業的公司。

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