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2022-07-06 20:35

  • First successful global gold standard pediatric Phase 3 trial ever conducted in cholestatic liver disease
  • PEDFIC 1 & 2 studies were foundational for the approval of Bylvay in the U.S. and Europe
  • Study shows Bylvay provided statistically significant improvements in pruritus severity scores and reductions in serum bile acid levels
  • 首次在淤膽性肝病中成功進行全球黃金標準兒科3期試驗
  • PEDFIC 1和2研究是Bylvay在美國和歐洲獲得批准的基礎
  • 研究表明,Bylvay在瘙癢嚴重程度評分和血清膽汁酸水平方面有統計學意義的改善。

BOSTON, July 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Albireo Pharma, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALBO), a rare liver disease company developing novel bile acid modulators, today announced that The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology published the results of the pivotal PEDFIC 1 trial, which evaluated Bylvay® (odevixibat) for the treatment of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC). The study met both of its two primary endpoints, demonstrating that Bylvay provided statistically significant improvements in pruritus severity scores and reductions in serum bile acid levels, with rapid, sustained, and consistent results. The full manuscript of the PEDFIC 1 study is available on The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology website.

波士頓,2022年7月6日(環球社)--納斯達克公司(Albireo Pharma,Inc.),一家開發新型膽汁酸調節劑的罕見肝病公司,今天宣佈,《柳葉刀》胃腸病學與肝臟病學公佈了評估Bylvay的關鍵PEDFIC 1試驗的結果®治療進行性家族性肝內膽汁淤積症(PFIC)。這項研究同時滿足了它的兩個主要終點,表明Bylvay在瘙癢嚴重程度評分和血清膽汁酸水平方面都有統計上的顯著改善,結果迅速、持續和一致。PEDFIC 1研究的完整手稿可在《柳葉刀》胃腸病和肝病學網站上找到。

A potent, once-daily, non-systemic ileal bile acid transporter inhibitor (IBATi), Bylvay has minimal systemic exposure and acts locally in the small intestine. Bylvay was recently approved in the U.S. for the treatment of pruritus in patients 3 months of age and older with all types of PFIC, and in Europe for the treatment of all types of PFIC in patients aged 6 months or older, based on the PEDFIC 1 study and PEDFIC 2 open-label extension (OLE) study.

作為一種有效的、每天一次的非全身性迴腸膽汁酸轉運蛋白抑制劑(IBATi),Bylvay具有最小的全身性暴露,並在小腸局部起作用。根據PEDFIC 1研究和PEDFIC 2開放標籤擴展(OLE)研究,Bylvay最近在美國被批准用於治療3個月及以上患有所有類型PFIC的患者的瘙癢,在歐洲被批准用於治療6個月或以上患者的所有類型的PFIC。

"The PEDFIC 1 study is the largest trial ever completed in PFIC and we are pleased that a prestigious journal has recognized the quality of the science and importance of the landmark results," said Ron Cooper, President and Chief Executive Officer of Albireo. "The study outcomes have been positively received by physicians and payors enabling swift pricing and reimbursement reviews of Bylvay, helping to accelerate access to this much needed medicine for patients suffering with this cholestatic liver disease."

Albireo首席執行官羅恩·庫珀、總裁説:「PEDFIC 1號研究是PFIC有史以來完成的最大規模的試驗,我們很高興一家著名的雜誌承認了科學的質量和里程碑式結果的重要性。研究結果得到了醫生和付款人的積極響應,使Bylvay能夠迅速定價和報銷審查,幫助患有這種淤膽性肝病的患者更快地獲得這種急需的藥物。「

The publication includes data from the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 3 PEDFIC 1 global study. Within the study findings:

該出版物包括來自隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照的3PEDFIC 1期全球研究的數據。在研究結果中:

  • The study was conducted from May 2018 to July 2020 and evaluated 62 patients, aged 6 months to 15.9 years, with PFIC type 1 or type 2. Patients were randomized to receive either a 40 µg/kg/day (n=23) or 120 µg/kg/day (n=19) oral dose of Bylvay (odevixibat) or placebo (n=20) once daily for 24 weeks.
  • The model-adjusted (least squares) mean proportion of positive pruritus assessments (PPAs) at the patient level was significantly higher with Bylvay, at 55% for the all-Bylvay group (58% and 52% in the Bylvay 40 and 120 μg/kg/day groups, respectively) compared to 30% in the placebo group (p=0.0038).
  • The proportion of patients achieving a serum bile acid response, defined as a ≥70% reduction from baseline in fasting serum bile acids or serum bile acids ≤70 μmol/L at week 24, was 33% in the all-Bylvay group (including 43% and 21% of patients in the Bylvay 40 and 120 μg/kg/day groups, respectively), compared to no patients in the placebo group (p=0.0030).
  • The study also showed meaningful improvements in secondary endpoints related to pruritus and serum bile acids, with a greater proportion of patients treated with Bylvay having a clinically meaningful improvement in pruritus at week 24, defined as a drop from baseline of 1.0 point or more on the 0−4 point scale, than patients treated with placebo (43% vs 11%, respectively). Improvement in pruritus among Bylvay-treated patients was observed by week 4 of treatment.
  • Consistent with improvements observed with pruritus, treatment with Bylvay improved patients' sleep by weeks 21−24 as reported by caregivers, with reductions from baseline in the percentage of days needing help falling asleep, −43% for the all-Bylvay group versus −3% for the placebo group; soothing, −44% versus −8%, respectively; and sleeping with the caregiver, −42% versus −5%, respectively.
  • Mean serum bile acid levels decreased by 114.3 μmol/L in the all-Bylvay group at weeks 22 through 24, compared to an increase of 13.1 μmol/L in the placebo group (p=0.0022). Changes from baseline in serum bile acids were also observed as early as week 4 of Bylvay treatment.
  • In the study, Bylvay was well tolerated, with an overall adverse event incidence similar to placebo. There were no drug-related serious adverse events reported during the study. Drug-related treatment-emergent adverse events of diarrhea/frequent bowel movements occurred in 10% (4/42) of Bylvay-treated patients and in 5% (1/20) of placebo-treated patients. In same study, 31% (13/42) of patients on Bylvay reported diarrhea compared with 10% (2/20) of placebo.
  • 這項研究從2018年5月到2020年7月進行,評估了62名患有1型或2型PFIC的患者,年齡從6個月到15.9歲。患者被隨機分為兩組,分別接受40微克/千克/天(n=23)或120微克/千克/天(n=19)口服拜爾維(奧維昔巴)或安慰劑(n=20),每天一次,共24周。
  • 模型調整(最小二乘)患者層面的陽性瘙癢評估(PPA)的平均比例在服用比爾維的患者中顯著更高,全比爾韋組為55%(比爾維40和120μg/kg/天組分別為58%和52%),而安慰劑組為30%(p=0.0038)。
  • 與沒有服用安慰劑的患者(p=0.0030)相比,服用All-Bylvay組的患者達到血清膽汁酸反應的比例為33%(包括服用40和120≥g/kg/day組的患者分別為43%和21%)。All-Bylvay組患者的血清膽汁酸反應(定義為24周時空腹血清膽汁酸或血清膽汁酸≤70μ/L較基線下降70%)的比例為33%。
  • 這項研究還顯示,與瘙癢和血清膽汁酸有關的次要終點的顯著改善,服用拜爾維的患者在第24周的瘙癢症狀有臨牀意義的改善的比例比服用安慰劑的患者(分別為43%和11%)更大,24周的瘙癢症狀的改善被定義為在0−4分量表上較基線下降1.0點或更多。Bylvay治療的患者在治療第4周時觀察到瘙癢症狀的改善。
  • 根據護理人員的報告,與瘙癢症狀的改善一致,服用拜爾維的患者睡眠改善了21−24周,需要幫助入睡的天數百分比比基線減少了,全拜爾維治療組的−為43%,而安慰劑組為−3%;舒緩治療,−為44%,−為8%;與照顧者睡覺,−為42%,−為5%。
  • 在22到24周期間,全比爾維治療組的平均血清膽汁酸水平降低了114.3μ摩爾/L,而安慰劑組的平均血清膽汁酸水平增加了13.1Mol/L(p=0.0022)。早在Bylvay治療的第4周,就觀察到血清膽汁酸的變化。
  • 在這項研究中,Bylvay耐受性良好,總體不良事件發生率與安慰劑相似。在研究期間沒有報告與藥物有關的嚴重不良反應。與藥物相關的治療--服用Bylvay的患者中有10%(4/42)出現腹瀉/頻繁排便的緊急不良事件,而接受安慰劑治療的患者中有5%(1/20)。在同一項研究中,服用Bylvay的患者中有31%(13/42)報告腹瀉,而服用安慰劑的患者中這一比例為10%(2/20)。

Patients with PFIC have impaired bile flow, or cholestasis, and the resulting bile build-up in liver cells causes liver disease and symptoms including intense itching, poor sleep, delayed growth and diminished quality of life. The harmful impacts of the disease extend to parents and caregivers, as the 2022 multinational PICTURE study revealed that PFIC negatively affects caregivers' quality of life, relationships, and career prospects.


The results from the PEDFIC studies provide confidence in the translatability of the data in Alagille syndrome (ALGS) and biliary atresia and the two Phase 3 studies in progress. The ASSERT study in ALGS is fully enrolled and topline data is expected by the end of the year. The BOLD study in biliary atresia is expected to complete enrollment this year with topline data available in 2024.


About Bylvay (odevixibat)


Bylvay is the first drug approved in the U.S. for the treatment of pruritus in patients 3 months of age and older in all types of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC). Limitation of Use: Bylvay may not be effective in PFIC type 2 patients with ABCB11 variants resulting in non-functional or complete absence of bile salt export pump protein (BSEP-3). The European Commission (EC) and UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have also granted marketing authorization of Bylvay for the treatment of PFIC in patients aged 6 months or older. Bylvay is available in Germany and the UK and will be available for sale in other European countries following pricing and reimbursement approval. A potent, once-daily, non-systemic ileal bile acid transporter inhibitor (IBATi), Bylvay has minimal systemic exposure and acts locally in the small intestine. Bylvay can be taken as a capsule for patients that are able to swallow capsules, or opened and sprinkled onto food, which is a factor of key importance for adherence in a pediatric patient population. The most common adverse reactions for Bylvay are diarrhea, liver test abnormalities, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fat-soluble vitamin deficiency. The medicine can only be obtained with a prescription. For more information about using Bylvay, see the package leaflet or contact your doctor or pharmacist. For full prescribing information, visit .


In the U.S. and Europe, Bylvay has orphan exclusivity for its approved PFIC indications, and orphan designations for the treatment of ALGS, biliary atresia and primary biliary cholangitis. Bylvay is being evaluated in the ongoing PEDFIC 2 open-label trial in patients with PFIC, in the BOLD Phase 3 study for patients with biliary atresia and the ASSERT Phase 3 study for ALGS.

在美國和歐洲,Bylvay因其批准的PFIC適應症而獲得孤兒專有權,並因治療ALGS、膽道閉鎖和原發性膽管炎而被指定為孤兒。Bylvay正在進行的針對PFIC患者的PEDFIC 2開放標籤試驗、針對膽道閉鎖患者的BOLD第三階段研究以及針對ALGS的Assert第三階段研究中進行評估。

Important Safety Information


  • The most common adverse reactions for Bylvay are diarrhea, liver test abnormalities, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fat-soluble vitamin deficiency.
  • Liver Test Abnormalities: Patients should obtain baseline liver tests and monitor during treatment. Dose reduction or treatment interruption may be required if abnormalities occur. For persistent or recurrent liver test abnormalities, consider treatment discontinuation.
  • Diarrhea: Treat dehydration. Treatment interruption or discontinuation may be required for persistent diarrhea.
  • Fat-Soluble Vitamin (FSV) Deficiency: Patient should obtain baseline vitamin levels and monitor during treatment. Supplement if deficiency is observed. If FSV deficiency persists or worsens despite FSV supplementation, discontinue treatment.
  • Bylvay最常見的不良反應是腹瀉、肝功能異常、嘔吐、腹痛和脂溶性維生素缺乏。
  • 肝臟檢查異常:患者應獲得基線肝臟檢查並在治療期間進行監測。如果出現異常,可能需要減少劑量或中斷治療。對於持續性或反覆出現的肝功能異常,可考慮停止治療。
  • 腹瀉:治療脱水。持續性腹瀉可能需要中斷或停止治療。
  • 脂溶維生素(FSV)缺乏:患者應獲得基線維生素水平,並在治療期間進行監測。如果觀察到不足,則予以補充。如果儘管補充了FSV,FSV缺乏症仍然存在或惡化,請停止治療。

About Albireo


Albireo Pharma is a rare disease company focused on the development of novel bile acid modulators to treat rare pediatric and adult liver diseases. Albireo's lead product, Bylvay, was approved by the U.S. FDA as the first drug for the treatment of pruritus in all types of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC), and it is also being developed to treat other rare pediatric cholestatic liver diseases with Phase 3 trials in Alagille syndrome (ALGS) and biliary atresia, as well as Open-label Extension (OLE) studies for PFIC and ALGS. In Europe, Bylvay has been approved for the treatment of PFIC with pricing listing in Germany and guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommending Bylvay for use in the National Health Service in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Company has also completed a Phase 1 clinical trial for A3907 to advance development in adult cholestatic liver disease, with IND-enabling studies progressing with A2342 for viral and cholestatic liver disease. Albireo was spun out from AstraZeneca in 2008 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, with its key operating subsidiary in Gothenburg, Sweden. For more information on Albireo, please visit .

Albireo Pharma是一家罕見疾病公司,專注於開發新型膽汁酸調節劑來治療罕見的兒童和成人肝病。Albireo的主導產品Bylvay被美國FDA批准為第一種用於治療所有類型進行性家族性肝內膽汁淤積症(PFIC)的瘙癢的藥物,還在開發用於治療其他罕見的兒童淤膽性肝病的藥物,Alagille綜合徵(ALGS)和膽道閉鎖的第三階段試驗,以及針對PFIC和ALGS的開放標籤擴展(OLE)研究。在歐洲,Bylvay已被批准用於治療PFIC,在德國上市定價,國家健康與護理卓越研究所(NICE)指導建議將Bylvay用於英格蘭、威爾士和北愛爾蘭的國家醫療服務。該公司還完成了A3907的第一階段臨牀試驗,以促進成人膽汁淤積性肝病的開發,A2342用於病毒性和膽汁淤積性肝病的IND研究取得進展。Albireo於2008年從阿斯利康剝離出來,總部位於馬薩諸塞州波士頓,其主要運營子公司位於瑞典哥德堡。有關Albireo的更多信息,請訪問。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include statements, other than statements of historical fact, regarding, among other things: Albireo's commercialization plans; the plans for, or progress, scope, cost, initiation, duration, enrollment, results or timing for availability of results of, development of Bylvay or any other Albireo product candidate or program; the PEDFIC 2 open-label trial in patients with PFIC; the pivotal trial for Bylvay in biliary atresia (BOLD); the pivotal trial for Bylvay in Alagille syndrome (ASSERT);; the target indication(s) for development or approval; the timing for initiation or completion of or availability or reporting of results from any clinical trial, including the long-term open-label extension study for Bylvay in PFIC, the BOLD and ASSERT trials, potential regulatory approval and plans for potential commercialization of Bylvay in additional countries; the potential benefits or competitive position of Bylvay or any other Albireo product candidate or program or the commercial opportunity in any target indication; or Albireo's plans, expectations or future operations, financial position, revenues, costs or expenses. Albireo often uses words such as "anticipates," "believes," "plans," "expects," "projects," "future," "intends," "may," "will," "should," "could," "estimates," "predicts," "potential," "planned," "continue," "guidance," or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions to identify forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or experience may differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statement as a result of various risks, uncertainties and other factors, including, but not limited to: results achieved in Bylvay in the treatment of patients with PFIC may be different than observed in clinical trials, and may vary among patients; potential negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including on manufacturing, supply, conduct or initiation of clinical trials, or other aspects of our business; whether favorable findings from clinical trials of Bylvay to date, including findings in indications other than PFIC, will be predictive of results from other clinical trials of Bylvay; the timing for initiation or completion of, or for availability of data from, clinical trials of Bylvay, including BOLD and ASSERT and the outcomes of such trials; Albireo's ability to obtain coverage, pricing or reimbursement for approved products in the United States or Europe; delays or other challenges in the recruitment of patients for, or the conduct of, the Company's clinical trials; and the Company's critical accounting policies. These and other risks and uncertainties that Albireo faces are described in greater detail under the heading "Risk Factors" in Albireo's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or in subsequent filings that it makes with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As a result of risks and uncertainties that Albireo faces, the results or events indicated by any forward-looking statement may not occur. Albireo cautions you not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statement. In addition, any forward-looking statement in this press release represents Albireo's views only as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Albireo disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement except as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包括「1995年私人證券訴訟改革法」所指的「前瞻性陳述」。除歷史事實的陳述外,前瞻性陳述包括但不限於:Albireo的商業化計劃;Bylvay或任何其他Albireo候選產品或計劃的開發、Bylvay或任何其他Albireo產品候選或計劃的計劃或進展、範圍、成本、啟動、持續時間、登記、結果或可獲得結果的時間;針對PFIC患者的PEDFIC 2開放標籤試驗;Bylvay治療膽道閉鎖的關鍵試驗(BOLD);Bylvay在Alagille綜合徵的關鍵試驗(斷言);開發或批准的目標適應症;任何臨牀試驗的啟動或完成時間、可獲得性或結果報告,包括Bylvay在PFIC中的長期開放標籤擴展研究、大膽和確鑿的試驗、潛在的監管批准和Bylvay在更多國家的潛在商業化計劃;Bylvay或任何其他Albireo候選產品或計劃的潛在好處或競爭地位,或任何目標適應症中的商業機會;或Albireo的計劃、預期或未來運營、財務狀況、收入、成本或支出。Albireo經常使用「預期」、「相信」、「計劃」、「預期」、「項目」、「未來」、「打算」、「可能」、「將」、「應該」、「可能」、「估計」、「預測」、「潛在」、「計劃」、「繼續」、「指導」或這些術語的否定或其他類似表述來識別前瞻性陳述。由於各種風險、不確定因素和其他因素,實際結果、業績或經驗可能與任何前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果大不相同,包括, 但不限於:Bylvay在治療PFIC患者方面取得的結果可能與臨牀試驗中觀察到的結果不同,並且可能因患者而異;新冠肺炎大流行的潛在負面影響,包括對臨牀試驗的製造、供應、進行或啟動,或我們業務的其他方面;迄今為止Bylvay臨牀試驗的有利結果,包括PFIC以外的其他適應症的結果,是否可以預測Bylvay的其他臨牀試驗的結果;啟動或完成Bylvay臨牀試驗的時間,或獲得Bylvay臨牀試驗數據的時間,包括Bylvay臨牀試驗的大膽和可靠,以及此類試驗的結果;Albireo在美國或歐洲獲得批准產品的承保範圍、定價或報銷的能力;在招募患者或進行公司臨牀試驗方面的延迟或其他挑戰;以及公司的關鍵會計政策。Albireo面臨的這些和其他風險和不確定因素在Albireo公司最新的10-K表格年度報告或其提交給證券交易委員會的后續文件中的「風險因素」標題下有更詳細的描述。由於Albireo公司面臨的風險和不確定因素,任何前瞻性陳述所表明的結果或事件可能不會發生。Albireo告誡您不要過度依賴任何前瞻性聲明。此外,本新聞稿中的任何前瞻性陳述僅代表Albireo截至本新聞稿發佈之日的觀點,不應被視為代表其在任何后續日期的觀點。除非適用法律要求,否則Albireo不承擔更新任何前瞻性陳述的義務。

Media Contact:
Colleen Alabiso, 857-356-3905, colleen.alabiso@albireopharma.com
Lance Buckley, 917-439-2241, lbuckley@lippetaylor.com

Colleen Alabiso電話:857-356-3905電子郵件:colleen.alabiso@albireophma.com

Investor Contact:
Hans Vitzthum, LifeSci Advisors, LLC., 617-430-7578

Hans Vitzthum,LifeSci Advisors,LLC,617-430-7578
