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Flora Growth加入美国大麻饮料联盟

2024-05-16 21:53

  • Flora Growth (NASDAQ:FLGC) has joined the Hemp Beverage Alliance and at this moment, beverages represent only a marginal component of the industry.
  • "There is tremendous potential for explosive growth, one we intend to capitalize on. Joining the Hemp Beverage Alliance is a natural progression towards the common values we share," said Clifford Starke, CEO.
  • According to Whitney Economics, the total demand for hemp-derived cannabinoids in the U.S. is valued at more than $28B with the total economic impact of the industry on the U.S. economy is more than $79B.
  • Data Bridge Market Research estimates that the U.S. infused beverages market is expected to reach half a billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 14.7% during the forecast period.
