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KULR Technology首席执行官Michael Mo降低现金工资

2024-05-23 21:13

  • KULR Technology Group's (NYSE:KULR) compensation committee approved a voluntary request by CEO Michael Mo to reduce the cash component of his compensation by 33% and, believing in the future of KULR, to instead grant him an equity incentive grant that does not vest for 12 months from such grant date.
  • The strategic move ensures one-third of Mr. Mo’s salary going forward is provided at market value of the Co.’s stock, further aligning his interests with those of shareholders.
  • With this revised compensation model, the CEO's benefits will directly correlate with value creation as the executive team drives the Co.'s transformation and industry innovation.
  • "During these pivotal moments, it's crucial for us to go back to our technology start-up roots and operate swiftly in a lean and agile fashion. We will continue to execute that way to grow our business and get to profitability." said CEO and founder Michael Mo.
