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Magnificent Assets Holdings Limited增持順豪控股(00253)約1.54億股 每股作價0.71港元

2024-07-12 20:16

智通財經APP獲悉,香港聯交所最新資料顯示,7月8日,Magnificent Assets Holdings Limited增持順豪控股(00253)1.54006125億萬股,每股作價0.71港元,總金額約為1.09億港元。增持后最新持股數目約為2.17億股,最新持股比例為71.17%。


補充資料:Transfer of 154,006,125 ordinary shares in Shun Ho Holdings Limited from Trillion Resources Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) to Magnificent Assets Holdings Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands) which are both wholly owned by Mr. William Cheng Kai Man on 8 July 2024.
