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Saia LTL出货量季度增长8.5%

2024-09-04 22:23

Saia (NASDAQ:SAIA) on Wednesday reported a 7% growth in LTL shipments per workday for August.

In July 2024, LTL shipments per workday increased 10.6%.

LTL tonnage per workday was up 8.2% in August, while LTL weight per shipment grew 1.2% to 1,354 pounds vs. 1,339 pounds in August 2023. In the previous month, LTL tonnage per workday increased 5.0% and LTL weight per shipment declined 5.0% to 1,331 pounds.

Quarter to date, LTL shipments per workday grew 8.5% versus QTD 2023, with LTL tonnage per workday up 6.6%.

These results are consistent with the company’s expectations.

Shares of Saia (SAIA) were up 6.2% on Wednesday
